What do we do at Herons'?

At Herons' we have a rich learning environment and our sessions are based on free flow, the children are able to choose their own activities and how they want to learn. Our amazing outside area is available at all times and we use the outside as an extension of the inside.
Cooking Club
Cooking Club happens once a week in an afternoon session and we focus on small groups, working together to produce healthy and exciting dishes to share at home.
Cooking isn't just about preparation, cooking and eating. Many of the following skills will be developed throughout your cooking experiences:
problem solving;
weighing and measuring;
reading comprehension;
following instructions;
teamwork and communication;
fine motor skills;
cultural knowledge;
positive relationship with food;
science and discovery.
Forest School
We are very lucky at Herons' to have our own in house Forest School with our qualified Forest School Leader. Our sessions happen twice a week on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon and activities vary from week to week.
The children follow the same routine for Forest School each week-
We put on our waterproof trousers and wellies- even in the summer as this helps to distinguish Forest School sessions from general play in the garden.
We sit in the Log Circle and go over the rules for Forest School, the children know that this is to keep them safe.
We will then talk about what is out for the session. The children have free rein to create, problem solve and explore. Activities could include- hammers and nails, mud kitchen, tree climbing, bug hunting, mud pit digging, loose parts etc.
After the session, we regroup and enjoy a drink of Worm Juice (squash) or Mud Drink (hot chocolate) while we talk about what we have been doing and enjoyed.
The benefits of Forest School in the early years
Playing and learning outside improves children’s physical and emotional wellbeing and the Forest School experience has proven to be hugely beneficial for children’s emotional and developmental needs.
Children are curious, so we know from experience how much they love using natural materials found in nature and enjoy gathering sticks and leaves, making dens, climbing trees, using twigs to write and draw in mud, counting bugs and splashing in puddles. But while we know they are having fun in the great outdoors, Forest School can also help children develop:
social skills
communication skills
self-esteem and confidence
physical skills including the development of both gross and fine motor skills
problem solving and risk taking skills
knowledge and an understanding of the world around them.