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About Us

Herons' Preschool Waterbeach is located in a newly refurbished building at the entrance to the former army barracks in the heart of Waterbeach. It is a community based charitable preschool which previously operated as Waterbeach Toddler Playgroup.  After many years of searching and hard work from numerous committees and staff members we finally secured a building on the former army barracks which, thanks to the developers Urban and Civic and the County Council, together with a number of grants, has been transformed into a fantastic preschool facility with two large rooms, modern facilities and a wonderful outside space.


The Preschool is managed by a committee of superhero volunteer trustees. 


On 7 March 2022 we formally completed our transition away from Waterbeach Toddler Playgroup to Herons' Preschool Waterbeach when we became operational as Herons' Preschool Waterbeach Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).  Our new charity number is 1195255 and Ofsted registration number 2674419.

Our trustee body comprises the following, all of whom will stand for a period of at least 2 years:

Chairperson:  Diane Kagoyire

Secretary: Hannah Veja

Treasurer: Sezen Dursun

General Trustees:

Beth Pettit

John Walsh

Swati Bhatia

Saffron Barker

The Trustees meet at least twice a term and are responsible for the management of the Preschool, setting fee levels and Fundraising.  It is a great way to get involved in your child's Preschool experience and meet other parents.  The trustees are re-elected each year at the AGM, however new parent members are welcome to join at any time during the year.  

Please contact any of us, or the staff, if you would like to become a trustee of the charity.  You do not have to be a parent of a child attending the setting and we welcome volunteers with a wide range of experience.

Staff Team

Our team of experienced Practitioners are supported by a dedicated Management Team.  All Practitioners  have relevant qualifications in Early Years  and other elements of required training, such as:  Safeguarding, First Aid, Food Hygiene, The Prevent Duty to name a few.

Angela Impey, Hannah Cons and Di Hurst are the Designated Child Protection Leads.

Hannah Cons is our SENCo and Keri Walsh our ENCo.

All Practitioners are required to attend regular Continuous Professional Development sessions to keep their knowledge up to date. 

All Practitioners are subject to regular criminal records checks with the Disclosure & Barring Services. 

We have a high staff ratio and our team are all Keyworkers and each have responsibility for a small key group of children.  They will get to know you and your child, including your child’s life experiences, plan for your child’s next stages of development and liaise with you regularly.

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